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Code Name:

Product Details

Updated on EX) Edc 15, 2010
Updated by EX) Michael m@abcpharm.
Originator EX)ABC Pharm. Ltd. bd@abcpharm.com
Nationality of originator EX) USA
Web site   EX) www.abcd.com/research/pipeline.htm
Partners for co-development, licensing, distribution EX) A Company
Lab. code or Brand name EX) AB001
API, raw material EX) ab(IVV), ac(USAN), ad(BAN)
Product Type EX) New samll molecule
Action Mechanism EX) Histone deacetylase(HEAC) inhibitor
Feature EX) orphan in USA, Europe
Fast acting, long duration.
pH depend controlled-release formulation.
the first FD tearment.
a peptide by using A Pharma's
SP ®-technology
Pharmaceutial Form EX) Oral tablet, sustained release
Unit dosage EX) mg/tablet or mg/ml
Posology EX) Once a day or two times a day
WHO ATC EX) A00B (first 3 level of ATC Classification System)
Indication EX) Asthma
Lates development stage EX) Phase Ⅲ
Generic (bio-similar) developers EX) A Company
