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Code Name:

Product Details

Updated on EX) Edc 15, 2010
Updated by EX) Michael m@abcpharm.
Originator EX)ABC Pharm. Ltd. bd@abcpharm.com
Nationality of originator EX) USA
Web site   EX) www.abcd.com/research/pipeline.htm
Partners for co-development, licensing EX) A Company
rand name EX) AB001
Technology Type EX) New samll molecule
Key words EX) Histone deacetylase(HEAC) inhibitor
Feature EX) orphan in USA, Europe
Fast acting, long duration.
pH depend controlled-release formulation.
the first FD tearment.
a peptide by using A Pharma's
SP ®-technology
Product brand name EX) Oral tablet, sustained release
Development stage EX) mg/tablet or mg/ml
